Comprehensive visual solutions, 2015
For the government organisation CMEPIUS, we designed the corporate identity and website for the new brand Study and Slovenia.
The main objective in developing the brand Study in Slovenia was to inspire students from all over the world to study in Slovenia. The main advantages of Slovenia are its small size, security and natural assets, which includes everything from the sea to the wonderful mountains, as well as the country’s geographic location. All this is reflected in the logo, which includes the key Slovenian symbols such as the sea, the Alps, the sun (Slovenia lies on the sunny side of the Alps) and cultural heritage – all together in the whole with the elements of education. In addition to the distinctive sign and by selecting strong colours and typography, we completed the corporate image. We created a strong brand identity, which distinguishes this brand from the other “Study in” brands in various countries around the world.
We designed the studyinslovenia.si website for the client as well. The website works as the key connection between future and existing students and the educational institutions that accept the students and are responsible for them.
This is a long-term project, which will be developed in the future months in accordance with the additionally demonstrated needs of all the included Slovenian educational institutions that operate within the framework of the Ministry for Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia. Together, we will strive to meet the goals of the basic mission, which is to offer key information to international students, for whom the website is intended, and to convince them to study in Slovenia.